Shoulder MFR Workshop Description

What you will learn:

  1. New perspective in treating injuries/pain
  2. Fascial anatomy & physiology
  3. Effective techniques to add to your practice
  4. The ability to sense and feel the fascia
  5. Building confidence in treating fascial restrictions
  6. Myofascial Release Theory and Ci's
  7. How to implement these techniques immediately into your practice
  8. How to Reduce strain on your body

Course Description: Shoulder Workshop

With 95% hands on this course will teach effective techniques such as:

  • Traps and Rhomboids release: Prone
  • Infraspinatus
  • Supraspinatus
  • Levator scapula
  • Serratus anterior
  • Teres Major & Minor: Side lying
  • Advanced shoulder release: Side lying
  • Subscapularus: Side lying
  • Biceps & Triceps
  • Frozen shoulder release: Supine
  • Serratus Posterior superior: seated
  • Bonus Osteopathic Techniques

3.5 CEU's

Included in the workshop you will receive:

  • Effective, easy to use techniques which will make a difference for your client/patients and your practice
  • A functional and practical reference manual with full instruction and illustrations of the techniques
  • A professional high quality certificate showing continuing education credits earned
  • A high quality professional seminar that is taught in a relaxed pace

Here's an example of the techniques you'll learn in the workshop.

With over 4500 therapists taught we at Jenings Seminars are confident that we will meet and surpass your expectations. Thanks for this opportunity to work with you and your goals.

Registration Fee and Cancellation Policy

Basic Courses

Full payment is required to reserve a space in our basic Myofascial release (MFR) workshops. Enrolment is limited. Fee includes workbook and materials, seminar instruction, hands-on workshop training, and seminar certificate.

Email or phone call confirmation will be sent after payment is received in our office. For basic MFR workshops (non-Masters) you may cancel your registration up to 21 days before the seminar. Your registration fee will be refunded less a $100 processing fee per workshop. If you need to cancel less than 21 days prior to the seminar you may transfer your registration to another seminar of your choice. We reserve the right to cancel any seminar, in which case the tuition fee will be returned in full. Jenings Seminars is not responsible for any travel related expenses.

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